Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sparkly damsel

Oh again. Another embarrassing episode.

Poor old Poorly Car got a bit of a pummeling last week on a nasty hill start and made a funny noise until I ignored it. But it did it again tonight and felt ..'funny'. This is the official term.

So I resorted to calling out the AA. Not the wine one, the car one.

A peaceful wait in a quite spooky car park... only interrupted by the noise of my tummy rumbling...then arrives my knight in shining orange reflective stuff, eating chips.

And my superhero swoops, taking the keys from my trembling hand, deftly switches on the engine (oh my... *bites bottom lip*) and...

The sodding engine purred like a kitten. Nothing wrong stupid woman he thought as he politely handed me a bit of paper to sign (the idiot agreement).

I think I could cope with the embarrassment had I not been wearing my full belly dancing outfit.  Now come to think of it... it could have been me rattling...

I really shouldn't be let out.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


One definition: gazing lovingly at fast asleep child (they are always better that way) and in doing so stubbing toes on furniture. Aaahhhowwww.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

It appears wine is bad for you

I know this because I drank some and got some down the wrong way. I have been coughing for several minutes. Be warned.

Sunday, 5 August 2012


A fairly typical start to our family holiday: one million loads of washing done in preparation. Arrangements for feeding B Cat. A days worth of packing. A big shop for food. Late leaving. Everyone grumpy. Torrential rain. No petrol. Not enough space in the car.

'I need a wee are we nearly there yet mummy he hurt me no she started it' 'guys please stop we haven't even got off the drive' *aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh*

We are going to Wales for Two Nights.

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Is meece the plural of mice? Perhaps the collective noun? Bloody Cat seems to want a collection, but I have foiled her plans temporarily by putting the latest exhibit in the bin.

 Pahah to your evil plans Bloody Cat, said I.  Bloody Cat went outside sheepishly. Well I would like to think that. Bloody Cat  actually went outside with the intention of bringing further Meece, and Sheepishs.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Time monsters

What's going on? I have no time. It gets eaten by the giant invisible time monsters.

I think there are lots of different ones, a bit like dinosaurs.  

I have identified some of the monsters... 

Pinterest - This is pretty, flowery and eats not only your time but your sense of reality. Seemingly harmless, but could easily create a lot of damage.  A nice diplodocus.

Cleaning up - This is the groundhog version of the time eating monster.  I'm sure I must emptied this dishwasher / washed these pants / picked up this bit of Lego / taken this bit of Lego out of my foot (ow).  A velociraptor in it's viciousness and speed.

Work - this is a beast. It really gets in the way.  And at work, there are individually sub-monsters such as making tea, talking about how much work you have to do whilst not actually doing any work, doing work that other people ignore, drinking tea, washing tea cups. Big Fat Vicious T Rex with fleas and worms.  

Blogging - this is the lesser spotted monster which makes you stay up late and gets your husband annoyed for waking him up as you stumble into the dark.  A cockroach?

Whatever... the time monsters owe me some sleep.  Nighty night.